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Schedule of Events

  • 5:30 P.M.—Social hour—Bid in the silent auction, cash bar opens, buy your heads-or-tails paddles and raffle tickets, check out our tables, take pictures, and vote for your favorite table!
  • 6:30 P.M.—Dinner service starts.
  • 7:15 P.M.—Heads-or-tails game.
  • 7:30 P.M.—Message from Shannon Bock and presentation of Champions of Change awards.
  • 7:45 P.M.Growing Resources & Opportunities for Wellness video.
  • 7:50 P.M.—Message from Tracy Frank.
  • 7:55 P.M.Fund-A-Need with Patrick Kirby.
  • 8:10 P.M.—Dessert and last chance to purchase raffle tickets, bid on silent auction items, and turn in your table ballot at the raffle table. (Table voting ends at 8:20 P.M.)
  • 8:20 P.M.—Raffle drawings.
  • 8:25 P.M.—Announcement of table winner.
  • 8:30 P.M.—Silent auction section 1 closes.
  • 8:35 P.M.—Silent auction section 2 closes.
  • 8:40 P.M.—Silent auction section 3 closes.
  • 8:45 P.M.—Silent auction item pickup.

Thank You to Our Wonderful Sponsors